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Grigory Ivliev: Aerospace industry feeds dozens of areas of modern technology
Views:45   Time:2023/2/28



On February 28, 2023, Director General of the Roscosmos State Corporation Yuri Borisov, Governor of the Ryazan region Pavel Malkov, President of the Eurasian Patent Office Grigory Ivliev and other officials launched the practical work of the Innovative Scientific and Technological Center (INTC) "Aerospace Innovation Valley" in Ryazan region, Russian Federation.

Leading engineers, heads of specialized educational institutions, representatives of state corporations, residents and partners of the INTC gathered at the opening ceremony of the INTC, the creation of which was initiated by the Government of the Ryazan Region and the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). Yuri Borisov, General Director of the Roscosmos, and Pavel Malkov, Governor of the region, addressed the participants with welcoming speeches at the plenary session.

Speakers outlined the importance of creating such an innovative, high-tech cluster, whose residents will specialize on research and development in the field of aircraft engineering and space technology, where Russia remains traditionally one of the world leaders.

The plenary session with the participation of the heads of the leading enterprises of the industry was preceded by practical thematic round tables, which discussed possible support measures to support high-tech companies, as well as ways of development of industry cooperation. CEOs and leading developers of aerospace companies (Roscosmos, United Aircraft Corporation, etc.), deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Innopraktika, the National Technology Initiative Project Support Fund, the Center for Engineering and Innovation Support, teachers of industry universities and others attended.

EAPO President Grigory Ivliev, speaking at the plenary session, also noted the significant innovative potential of the aerospace industry. "It feeds dozens of areas of modern technology with its advanced processes, solutions, results of experiments and research: from genetic engineering to the production of drones, from civil aviation to the development of new composite materials, the latest communication and information technologies," Grigory Ivliev stressed.

He also called the opening of the INTC, where research, experimental, production and educational facilities are concentrated, "a fundamental contribution to the future of the aerospace industry, to strengthening the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation, to the development of science and invention throughout the Eurasian space." As proof, there are13 Eurasian patent applications for inventions filed by Roscosmos, 7 active patents for inventions owned by Roscosmos, as well as a patent for industrial design No. 1, which Roscosmos received for an energy-absorbing cosmonaut's chair.

— I have no doubt that new technologies and inventions of the residents of the Aerospace Innovation Valley will have enormous export potential as well. This means that you will need patents to reliably protect your intellectual property in the international markets throughout the Eurasian space, you will need Eurasian patents, — Grigory Ivliev highlighted.

Grigory Ivliev awarded V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal for outstanding contribution to the development of patenting and invention to the honorary guest of the ceremony Alexey Volodin, Director General of Tyazhpressmash and the author of more than 100 inventions.

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