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Press Release Thirtieth (Twenty-Second Ordinary) Meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization
Views:63   Time:2015/11/16



The Eurasian Patent Organization's Administrative Council (EAPO AC) held its Thirtieth (Twenty-Second Ordinary) Meeting at EAPO's Moscow headquarters 12-13 November 2015.

The attending delegations represented the Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Attending the EAPO AC meeting, as an observer, was Saule Tlevlessova, Head of the Section for Caucasian, Central Asian and Eastern European Countries, Department for Transition and Developed Countries, World Intellectual Property Organization. EAPO AC Chairman A.K. Yestaev, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chaired the meeting.

The meeting discussed the Organization's past period performance and areas for corporate development.

Among the main resolutions, the Administrative Council:
- Approved EAPO's annual report for 2014
- Approved the reported performance in implementing the Eurasian Patent Organization's Development Programme for 2010-2014
- Approved EAPO's budget for 2016
- Decided it would be worthwhile to establish a working body for analysing EAPO's operations and developing relevant initiatives for advancement.

Also, the EAPO AC decided to use its meetings for annual analyses of the on-going performance in implementing EAPO's Five-Year Development Programme and instructed the Secretariat to put it on the agenda for the EAPO AC ordinary meetings where Programme adjustments might also be a requirement.

A draft contract between the Eurasian Patent Organization and Mrs Saule Yanvarbekovna Tlevlessova was discussed at the EAPO AC's meeting in view of the contract of Alexander Nikolayevitch Grigoriev as EAPO President expiring on 10th February 2016 and Mrs Saule Yanvarbekovna Tlevlessova’s election as EAPO's new President. Capping the deliberations, the EAPO AC approved the language of the EAPO presidential contract and instructed the EAPO AC chairman to conclude the contract between the Eurasian Patent Organization and Mrs Saule Yanvarbekovna Tlevlessova.

The meeting also decided it was worthwhile to re-draft the Organization Development Programme for 2016-2020, so that the newly assigned EAPO President could be personally involved in the drafting process. The new draft of the EAPO Development Programme for 2016-2020 is to be made available on the EAPO website before 1st June 2016 to show monthly updates capturing remarks from the Contracting States. The revised draft is to be presented to the members of the EAPO AC at its ordinary meeting scheduled for October/November 2016.

Also, the meeting discussed amendments and addenda to EAPO's regulatory documents. Specifically, the EAPO Administrative Council decided to make procedural amendments to the statute for awarding the V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal ‘For Promoting Invention and Patent Practice’ and to revise the Employment Regulations for the EAPO Officers.

The EAPO Administrative Council approved a decision to award the V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal ‘For Promoting Invention and Patent Practice’ to relevant representatives of the Contracting States.

The EAPO Administrative Council decided to hold two EAPO AC meetings in 2016:
An extraordinary meeting on 11 February 2016, and
An ordinary meeting in October/November 2016.

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