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Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Rospatent open the Information Center for intellectual property for regional authorities
Views:43   Time:2019/7/18
Publication date: July 18, 2019 11:01



A specialized section has opened on the Rospatent website dedicated to the implementation of the Recommendations on managing the rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization in the regions. The document was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property with the active assistance of the IP Council under the Federation Council, the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. Two regions – the Tatarstan and the Tambov region - have already signed tripartite agreements on joint work.



The published Recommendations contain a number of key provisions related to IP development. Among them are the adoption of a regional development strategy in the field of IP, the development of education, educational programs and advanced training programs in the field of IP, the opening of Technology and Innovation Support Centers and regional technology transfer centers, monitoring and recording the results of intellectual activity, the development of the institution of patent attorneys and other support measures.

- “Rospatent will provide the regions with comprehensive support for the implementation of recommendations on the management of IP rights. The development of the regional economy is impossible without the use of local inventive, scientific and entrepreneurial potential. This is the task of local authorities and its solution brings closer to achieving the goals of the National Projects and the main directions of the Government’s activities, to improving the quality of life of Russian citizens”, -  confirmed the readiness of the department for joint work, the head of Rospatent Grigory Ivliev.

You can familiarize yourself with the text of the Recommendations, signed agreements and the list of pilot regions in a special section of the official website of Rospatent.

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