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The Eurasian patent system is one of the most successful integration projects
Views:51   Time:2022/11/25


The Vice-President of the Eurasian Patent Office stated this while speaking at the plenary session of the II Patent Congress organized by the Russian National Group AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

In the report “The Eurasian Patent System: Development Trends and Prospects”, the EAPO Vice-President emphasized the significant role of the Office in the Eurasian integration process. “The development of Eurasian integration is a natural process that is not subject to changes in the political environment. The geopolitical processes we are witnessing confirm the relevance of integration, the common economic space. Therefore, the Eurasian patent system remains one of the most successful integration projects nowadays,” the Vice President noted.

Armen Azizyan listed the recent measures taken by the EAPO to optimize the Eurasian examination procedure and reduce the timelines. In particular, he mentioned the option to include 3D models in the files of the applications since November 1, 2022, increase in the number of examiners and other measures. The Vice President noted that the EAPO, with the support of the EAPO member states, is ready to expand the number of protected regional intellectual property subject matters: for example, utility models and trademarks.

EAPO specialists also took part in several discussions of the Congress: “Disputes on Intellectual Property”, where Aurelia Ceban, Deputy Director of the Examination Department, spoke about the Eurasian dispute resolution system, as well as “Industry of Fashion and Design and Intellectual Property”, where the Office was presented by Asemgul Abenova, Director of the Industrial Designs Division. Alexander Timonin, principal examiner of the Chemistry and Medicine Division, took part in the round table "IP Form".

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