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EAPO Development Program 2023-2028 adopted in Veliky Novgorod
Views:55   Time:2023/5/18
Publication date: May 18, 2023 17:42



On May 18, 2023, in Veliky Novgorod, at the International Forum of Young Inventors and Innovators, the 42nd (13th extraordinary) meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization was held. The meeting was chaired by the Plenipotentiary Representative of Turkmenistan Ata Annaniyazov. The Russian delegation was headed by the Head of Rospatent, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation Yury Zubov.

The Administrative Council considered the annual report of the EAPO for 2022 and the EAPO Development Program for 2023-2028. Despite the difficult conditions of the Organization's activities in 2022, the meeting participants noted the successful achievement of the set goals.



The Administrative Council supported the course taken by the EAPO for the effective and dynamic development and approved the Development Program as a work plan for the next period. The program contains the following directions for the development of the EAPO:

- providing high-quality products and services;

- formation of a common information and expert space;

- digitalization of the Eurasian patent Office work;

- expansion of the range of objects protected under the Eurasian patent system;

- strengthening the Organization's position in the Eurasian region and in the international arena;

- development of the Eurasian dispute resolution system;

- formation of the Eurasian Pharmaceutical Registry;

- expansion of educational projects and development of the potential of technology parks in the field of intellectual property.

It is assumed that the implementation of the Development Program during 2023-2028 will increase patent activity in the Eurasian region and ensure the formation of a common information space for national patent offices.

As part of the work on the accession of the EAPO to the Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs, the Regulation on Fees of the EAPO was approved in accordance with Geneva Act of Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs of July 2, 1999. This will make it possible to continue the process of joining the EAPO to The Hague system, ensuring an increase in interest in the Eurasian system of legal protection of industrial designs.

Within the framework of the development of electronic forms of interaction with all subjects of the Eurasian patent system, the Administrative Council approved the Procedure for electronic Exchange of Documents within the general workflow between the EAPO and the national patent offices of the EAPC member States.

The President of the EAPO Grigory Ivliev informed the meeting participants about the creation of the Association of Patent Attorneys. The Association will develop the Institute of Eurasian patent attorneys at the regional level, promote the interests of the professional community and improve legal regulation in cooperation with the EAPO.

The meeting participants also supported the initiatives of the EAPO to amend the Regulations of the Working Conditions of the Eurasian Patent Office Employees and approving the Regulations on internships and scholarship programs of the EAPO.

During the meeting, the Director General of the National Center of Intellectual Property of Belarus (NCIP), Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Belarus in the Administrative Council, Uladzimir Rabavolau, was awarded the V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal for his contribution to the development of inventive activity.

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