EAPO 是世界上最早实施 WIPO 新方法的
浏览数:83 发布时间:2023/8/1
欧亚专利局(EAPO)已根据世界知识产权组织的新方法,对已公布专利文献的权威档案(权威档案)进行现代化改造,完成了 PCT(专利合作条约)最低文献改革的第一阶段准备工作(产权组织)。
2023年7月,PCT联盟大会决定扩大PCT国际检索单位(ISA)和国际初步审查单位审查的专利文献范围。大会还通过了新的要求,要求国际检索单位在全球范围内提供自己的专利库。这些修正案将于2026年1月1日生效。不过,EAPO今年已经开始为此做准备。规范档案的现代化是实施新工作标准的第一个重要阶段。 The EAPO has been publishing an expanded version of the Authority File on its website since August 1, 2023. It is formed in accordance with the 2021 update of WIPO Standard ST.37 "Recommendation for an Authority File of Published Patent Documents". The Authority File allows any user to compare the documents in their database with the complete list of patent documents published by the EAPO from 1996 to the present, i.e., during the entire period of operation of the Eurasian Patent Organization. This Authority File provides detailed information on the text search availability of the main elements of a patent document: an abstract, a description and claims. 因此,鉴于专利局与现代信息系统和人工智能的激增相关的新能力,专利审查员用于国际检索和申请初步审查的数据的构成、语言覆盖范围和质量正在扩大。 |