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EAPO 纪念 EAPC 成立 27 周年
浏览数:48   发布时间:2022/8/12



1995年8月12日,《欧亚专利公约》(EAPC)生效。EAPC 的首批缔约国是土库曼斯坦、白俄罗斯共和国和塔吉克斯坦共和国。如今,知识产权注册的区域体系覆盖了八个欧亚国家。

根据规范性文件,EAPC在三个国家向EAPC保存人WIPO总干事提交加入和批准书3个月后生效。1995年5月12日,塔吉克斯坦共和国提交了批准《公约》的文件,使《公约》得以生效。在不到六个月的时间里,EAPC 获得了欧亚专利组织(EAPO)所有成员国的批准。


This is very important to ensure the free movement of goods and eliminate territorial barriers arising in connection with the exclusive right resulting from the national legal protection of industrial property,” said Alexander Grigoriev, ex-president of the Eurasian Patent Office (2004-2016).

As early as by December 1995, the Eurasian Patent Office, the Organization's executive body, registered the first fifty Eurasian patent attorneys, who, from January 1, 1996, ensured the filing of Eurasian applications. The owner of the first Eurasian patent for an invention was Mr. V.I. Razmaitov (Russian Federation), who patented "Device for vortex grinding of material". Today, there are more than 500 people in the register of Eurasian patent attorneys, and the number of Eurasian patents for inventions granted over 1995-2022 exceeded 40,000.

“多年来,欧亚地区知识产权注册体系已经证明了其相关性。除了发明专利之外,如今欧亚专利局还授予欧亚工业品外观设计专利,并正在探索建立欧亚地区知识产权注册机制的可能性。我们看到了建立欧亚专利代理人专业机构的需求,以发展欧亚争议解决机制。EAPO 药品登记册和我们的首届国际会议“IP Eurasia”引起了极大的兴趣


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